State of the Blog

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By the time you read this I will have already moved into my dorm and begun a new chapter in my life… college.

As I start this new chapter I have no idea where this blog will go. I hope to continue writing and publishing posts for you all to read. Since college is all about learning, developing yourself, making friends, and creating memories I will most likely continue use this as a platform for sharing my thoughts and experiences. I hope to continue with my photography and share my pictures with you all. You can follow me on Instagram or add me on Facebook to keep up with my pictures. I’m not sure how busy I will be when trying to balance class, studying, social events, etc. so if need be I may drop down to one post a week. I hope you all will continue reading and following me on my next journey over these four years.

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Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset



2 thoughts on “State of the Blog

  1. Hope you enjoy college and keep up with the blog. Speaking from experience, it is a great thing to have and keep up with as you learn these next four years!

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